יום רביעי, 21 באוקטובר 2015

Democratic Israel

Democracy: [dih-mok-ruh-see] Spell Syllables-
Noun, plural democracies.
government by the people; a form of government in which thesupreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by themor by their elected agents under a free electoral system. (dictionary.com)
Israel is a democratic country, every resident of Israel over the age of 16 gets the right to vote and weelect our prime minister and mayors every few years. Wealso havea parliament, calledthe Knesset, andits membersvote and holddiscussions about new rules and regulations. On March 17th anyone in Israel who is over 18 years old will have the right to vote for the new Knesset, for us it is so obvious, but if you'll ask someone in Syria about their "democratic" elections, you will find that there is nothing democratic about them. We don't think about it that much, but we have the right to think what we want and to say what we want! If a journalist thinks that somethingthat a minister said was wrong, theycan say it without being executed, in most of the Middle East people can't even dream about that kind of freedom! The fact that I, as a young woman, get the right to say what I want, to be equal, to be educated, and in a few years get to vote, to get a license and go down the street wearing whatever I want, some may say that it's wrong, but in Israel- we can! 
Israel, as the country of the Jews, was even democratically elected. On November 29, 1947, the United Nations voted for the Partition Plan for Palestine, a plan that was formulatedto divide Palestine into two countries, one for the Arabs and one for the Jews.  Thirty-threecountries votedin favor, 13 against, with 10 abstentions and Thailand was absentfrom the vote.
In fact, Israel is the only democratic country in the Middle East. Most of the countries surrounding us are either republicans or monarchists. Which means that while our government has to make decisions that will make its people happy, our neighbors can to make decisions according to what they want or need, and hopefully, they will think about what isbest forthe country they rule. That is why the Arab Spring- a series of riots in many Arab countries in the Middle East in order to rebel and overthrow the dictatorial regime in these countries, happened between2010 and 2014. Many Arab countries became freer for their civilians afterwards.
The fact that Israel is one of the smallest independent countries in the world, especially in the Middle East, affects us very much. We are just a little dot that can be exterminated if we won't be united. If most of the Jews in Israel will not be pleased with the government they will emigrate to the United States or Germany (something that is happening because of the cost of living in Israel), and the more Jews that will emigrate, the less Jews will be left in Israel and after a while we will lose ourmajority and Israel will become another Arab country in the Middle East, making the Middle East a completely Arab zone.
We cannot to give up on Israel because it is the only Jewish country in the world. There is no other place in the world where Jews can be Jews without suffering from anti-Semitism.
Israel is 22,072 sqkm, and almost775 Israel can fit into Russia almost 775 times - but Russia is the biggest country in the world so it's not that big of a deal right? Well, it fits into France29 times and into the state of New York six times. The Palestinians want Israel, the only Jewish country in the world, to become Arab because they need a place to live, but next door there is Egypt- an Arab country. Well, one Egypt is just like 45 Israels, and still they claim they have nowhere to live in.   
This is why it is important that Israel is a democratic country in the Middle East, especially because of its size.

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