יום רביעי, 21 באוקטובר 2015

Who Am I As a Teenager In The Israeli Society?

 Hello my name is Shani Jacob, and I'm 16 years old from Haifa, Israel. I go to the Hebrew Reali School, and I'm a counselor in the Scouts. I have one little sister who is 10 years old and a dog. When I was asked to define what it's like to be a teenager in Israeli society, I could not find only one answer. Is it going to the mall or the beach? Is it being in the Scouts? Does it mean knowing Jewish history and how to speak Hebrew? Or, does is it mean knowing all about the politics and diplomatic relations in the country and the region? I believe that being a teenager in Israel is indefinable. It should mean being active in many ways - it could be knowing all about Israeli history, being in theScouts or going to Karate lessons.

But one of the most important things for an Israeli teenager is knowing what is happening outside of your neighborhood, or city, and outside of Israel, because for being such a small dot on the map, we do get a lot of public intention. Just in the last 15 years- my whole life, Israel had been through a war and seven operations inside of Gaza Strip. Every mother in Israel says to her baby that when they will grow up, we will not need an army anymore and all the wars would end, and we will live in peace with the Palestinians and our Arab neighbors. But in three years, my friends and I will wear our uniforms, and we will learn how to fight, and we might even fight, to protect ourselves. Every kid in Israel knows that one day he or she will go to the army.
In high school, every kid has to volunteer and do something for Israeli society. It can be packing food for people how can't afford to buy their own food, helping theelderly, or little kids, being a Scouts leader and working the youth, or anything that you might be interested in that would help improve Israelis’ lives. We are taught that helping others is as important as studying math or history and sometimes, it's even more important- we are taught to be good human beings before we are taught to be intellectuals. My volunteering is being a counselor in the Scouts, as I said earlier. It is very hard and requires a lot of time and attention, because twice a week I get my group of eight, 10 year old girls to teach important values through games and having fun. I have to deal with all the drama and different characteristics of the girls, but seeing them every single week, anxious for the activity to start, it is all worth it. I know that one day they will become amazing Scouts’ counselors on their own, and they'll remember their fifth grade scouts counselor- me, they might remember the advice I gave them or the trip that we had, or a specific game or story. At the end of the day, it is all worth it.

I see how Israel is showing itself to the world every single day. I've been abroad, seen Anti-Semitism first-hand, and was asked about politics and technology in Israel. The media says we are the occupiers of the Gaza Strip and that we kill Palestinians and start wars- this is not true. Since when has protecting ourselves become violence? Iswanting one land where we can be who we are and feel safe so wrong?

These are things that I, as a teenager in Israel have to deal with almost every single day, because I live in Israel, and am proud of it.

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